Cholera Outbreak: What Breastfeeding Mothers Need to Know
As a breastfeeding mom, you're a superhero in your little one's eyes, and rightly so! But with the cholera outbreak spreading fast in our country, it's natural to feel a sense of unease. You're not alone! With over 1,141 suspected cases reported across 30 states in Nigeria since January 2024, and 324 suspected cases right here in Lagos State as of mid-June, it's time to arm ourselves with knowledge and take action. Let's get the facts and protect our tiny humans!
Cholera is a highly infectious disease caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria, typically spread through contaminated food, water, or direct contact with an infected person's faeces.
Breastfeeding is crucial for infant survival, with exclusive breastfeeding recommended for the first six months.
What are the Risks for Breastfeeding Mothers?
As a breastfeeding mother, you're at risk of severe dehydration from cholera, which could be life-threatening and impact your ability to nourish your baby.
You could unintentionally pass cholera to your precious little one through close contact with infected faeces or vomit - a scary thought!
If you're hospitalized or severely ill with cholera, your breastfeeding journey could be disrupted, making it harder to resume our special bonding time with your baby.
What Precautions Can Breastfeeding Mums Take?
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before handling your babies or breastfeeding.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of safe water and considering oral rehydration therapy (ORT) if you show signs of dehydration.
Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect we have cholera or show symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, or bloody stools.
Continue breastfeeding your babies while taking necessary precautions to prevent transmission.
Monitor your babies' health closely and seek medical attention if you have any concerns.
We’ve got this!